Quiz: Understanding VPC cluster networking
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Which components must be able to communicate to each other?
A. Worker nodes to worker nodes
B. Worker nodes to the Kubernetes master
C. Worker nodes to IBM Cloud services
D. All of the above
What is a subnet?
A. A specified private IP address range (CIDR block) that allows communication between worker nodes and pods as if they are attached to the same physical wire
B. A hair net you wear in a basement
C. A collection of wires that route communication between servers
D. None of the above.
What connects worker nodes to the Kubernetes master?
A. Startpoints
B. Endpoints
C. Landlines
D. None of the above
Resources can communicate with on-premises data centers.
A. True
B. False
What can you use to allow public traffic to your app?
A. Tunnel
B. Side car
C. Load balancer
D. None of the above